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WORD: Womb

So seriously, so many have been contending for their promises for the longest time! So often, they have become encouraged, only to be let down again and again. Often experiencing betrayal, rejection and defeat. Some have felt so disappointed, discouraged and lost,as they faced constant wave after wave of seemingly insurmountable circumstances of loss and despair. Even when things were supposed to get better, they did not.    Becoming so discouraged they entered into an almost 'robot like' mode, just to keep going! Faced with incredible uncertainty and nowhere to turn, some have had to revisit the very foundations of what they believe.    For some time now, I've found myself looking at a place of emptiness and darkness. As I looked longer and closer, I began to understand that the place of emptiness created in each pf us, through loss and disappointment, becomes a womb!    With understanding I knew there was hope, however, my heart did not feel this and w...

Recognizing GOD

When you are unable to identify or recognize someone you can walk past them ten times and you won't know they are there!

However, if you are able to identify or recognize the person you are looking for, you'll meet with them.

The Lord says you are always trying to move me to do for you! From today you are to stop trying to move me! Stop trying to get me to be good to you! I am the God who is Love, Compassion, Grace. All of these are infinite!

SEE ME FOR WHO I AM! SEE ME FOR WHAT I AM! I am Unlimited LOVE, GRACE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS! All that is good! SEE MY GOODNESS, the depths of which no-one can fathom! I am Exceedingly GOOD! SEE ME AS I AM!

It does not matter that you are unable to fathom my depths but it does matter that you are able to clearly identify and recognize me! When you truly See me as I AM, it is you who will be moved to have faith in me because of who I AM! Believe in my Divine Nature to bless you in all things! I do not have to move since I remain the same! YOU MOVE to truly believe in my GOODNESS, in my divine nature and you will encounter me!

Encounter always requires a move of your perception of HIM! This recognition is not done with the natural eye, but with spiritual eyes.

Because it may be difficult to see God in the natural you may feel you are walking in darkness, but you must remember that HE is the true light and just as a ship sailing offshore recognises the lighthouse, so we can identify HIM by trusting HIS guiding light.

If you were blind or eyes closed you would climb the stairs by recognising that you have to lift your leg,  and through perception place it on the next stair.

Today, you are invited to choose to swiftly move to the next level by aligning your perception with HIS Unlimited and Unfathomable Nature! How can LOVE not LOVE? How can LOVE not GIVE? HOW can LOVE not BLESS?


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