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WORD: Womb

So seriously, so many have been contending for their promises for the longest time! So often, they have become encouraged, only to be let down again and again. Often experiencing betrayal, rejection and defeat. Some have felt so disappointed, discouraged and lost,as they faced constant wave after wave of seemingly insurmountable circumstances of loss and despair. Even when things were supposed to get better, they did not.    Becoming so discouraged they entered into an almost 'robot like' mode, just to keep going! Faced with incredible uncertainty and nowhere to turn, some have had to revisit the very foundations of what they believe.    For some time now, I've found myself looking at a place of emptiness and darkness. As I looked longer and closer, I began to understand that the place of emptiness created in each pf us, through loss and disappointment, becomes a womb!    With understanding I knew there was hope, however, my heart did not feel this and w...

Dew of Heaven (Published in Creation Illustrated Magazine)

“Therefore may God give you of the dew of heaven…” Genesis 27:28

Early English writers entertained the notion; and Boethius, speaking of the pearl-mussel of the Scotch rivers, remarks, that "These mussels, early in the morning, when the sky is clear and temperate, open their mouths a little above the water and most greedily swallow the dew of heaven; and after the measure and quantity of the dew which they swallow, they conceive and breed the pearl. These mussels," he continues, "are so exceedingly quick of touch and hearing, that, however faint the noise that may be made on the bank beside them, or however small the stone that may be thrown into the water, they sink at once to the bottom, knowing well in what estimation the fruit of their womb is to all people." In the East, the belief is equally common that these precious gems are "rain from the sky, which turns into pearls as it falls in the sea."


Dew or tiny drops of water or moisture that have cooled, especially during the night hours appear on thin exposed objects in the morning or evening. As the exposed surface cools by radiating its heat, atmospheric moisture condenses at a rate greater than that at which it can evaporate, resulting in the formation of water droplets. Dew brings a freshness and purity or refreshing quality to something. When the air reaches temperature which can no longer hold all the moisture in it, Dew Point occurs and dew begins to form.

Sometimes one has to endure what seems like, beyond endurance. When you think there is no way you can go any more and you have reached your limit. When you’ve gone through the fire for far too long and the situation has really become unbearable – too hot to handle. There has been sweat and tears. Then there comes a refreshing, almost like the Dew Point release when dew is formed. Dew is formed when all is calm. In these situations it is always good to remember Psalm 46:10,”Be still and know that I am God;

Refreshing will come when we are calm and waiting on the Lord, answers, solutions will come. When we have finally given up and let God take over. Many of us are like “Sarah” who continuously tried to sort everything out in her own strength, in her own way. She was probably one of the most successful persons in scripture. She successfully caused the division of two nations and started a war which is still continues! Tremendous success. How would you like such success? Perhaps you already have it? No thanks! Be still!

When objects and surfaces have cooled to below freezing point when the moisture in the air begins to condense, frost is formed instead. Frost is not very pleasing or nourishing.

When circumstances and trials overwhelm us for too long, a hardness of heart sometimes forms. This demonstrates clearly, why insight and guidance from the Holy Spirit is so essential in one's circumstances. An impenetrable barrier may be erected. Walls go up where no one can enter. Bitterness becomes us and we tend to isolate ourselves. We have to guard against this in order to receive our breakthrough. A hard heart is unable to receive. Remaining still is essential. In stillness we trust.

Another word for dew is precipitation. This is when rain or snow or hail, all of which are formed by condensation of moisture in the atmosphere and fall to the ground. As a result of a chemical reaction taking place, a solid is caused to separate out from a solution and is thrown or falls from above. 

Precipitation also means great or excessive haste. A quickening of something or to bring about something earlier or more suddenly than expected. Propulsion. The propelling or throwing of somebody or something. 

When Precipitation takes place in your life there exists always, the possibility of something being released (blessing) and the possibility of something happening suddenly and quickly. When these precipitation processes occur, they usually cover everything. Whatever is out in the open air will be covered in whatever form it takes. Those who are expectant and open to receive, will.

Compare God to a giant antenna. All you need to do is send out your signal. He will pick it up and connect with you. When tuned into him you receive. You will encounter the dew of heaven. Precipitation may also be the act of sending somebody or something, suddenly and rapidly into some state or condition. It would make sense then, that there exists the possibility or opportunity for something to take place far quicker than originally anticipated. Always remember that in God there exist no limits. Limits only exist in our minds. Remain soft hearted and anticipate that God is going to show up so that you may be ready to receive of the dew of heaven!

“I lie in the dust, completely discouraged; revive me by your word.” Psalm 119:25“

Christ is our dew: renewing, refreshing and reviving us. His Spirit in us is working and causing us to be the dew of heaven to a lost and dying world. Because of our connection to him we are able to make a difference, by using the Sword of the Spirit with which nothing can compare. There is none like it. Overcoming all. We are more than conquerors, past conquering. We have nothing to conquer but to move forward, to enforce.

Our souls have been quickened by the word, thus pressing us onward, forward into our calling and journey in Christ. Continuously growing and being formed into his image, almost as the precious pearls which are said to feed on the dew of heaven.

The ancient idea that pearls are generated of the dews of heaven is pretty conclusively met by Cardanus, who says it is fabulous, seeing that the shell fishes, in which they are conceived, have their residence in the very bottom of the depth of the sea.

Isaiah 5:5&6 and now, please let me tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it shall be burned; and break down its wall, and it shall be trampled down. I will lay it waste; it shall not be pruned or dug, but there shall come up briers and thorns. I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

God allowed the hedge to be taken away, His Spirit was no longer being poured out like rain, and His truth was not running down. The knowledge God did not cover as the dew covers the earth, and all indications are that drought continued (Amos 8:11-12).

I recall a story of a guy who had been trained to survive in the desert. He decided to test his skills by going and living in the desert for a few weeks. At night he placed out a dew catching device. By morning, one drink was collected by the device. He had never been so thirsty in all his life and would not have survived if he did not have that one drink of dew every morning.

There was time that the dew was withheld but there has come a change. We will not survive without the dew of heaven. It has become a matter of survival. I believe that it is essential we receive our portion of dew which God is releasing in this time.

Deuteronomy 33:28 - Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of CORN and WINE; and his heavens shall drop down DEW

I was told about a young mentally disabled girl, who while sitting at a bus stop began to read a tract out aloud. As she read the tract, her voice sounded like it was coming straight from heaven. People were drawn to her voice like bees to honey. It was amazing how passers - by, as if drawn, began to stop and listen to her reading. The storyteller related how he was touched and moved in his heart by the words of her voice and how he found he was unable to leave. Her words seemed to be flowing like a direct stream as if from heaven. Surely this was dew from heaven. It sure seemed like it.

Our storyteller goes on to comment how he desires to experience being filled with the dew from heaven, the way that young girl was. Have you seen any evidence of the dew being poured out on the church today?

There was little rain that fell in Judea, the early and the latter rain. This was remedied by the copious amount of dew which fell in both the morning and the evening. In Judges 6:38 Gideon’s fleece was wrung out from the dew and it is said that it filled a bowl. This shows the abundance of the dew. There is enough for all. 

Large Dew Collecting Device Structures have been designed and erected in several areas in the world where the rainfall is not enough. If the world is collecting dew, should we not also be doing so? When there are physical signs taking place in the earth, are these not often clear signs of what is taking place in the spiritual. We need to be vigilant and discerning.

In the Biblical Old Testament dew is used symbolically in Deuteronomy 32:3: "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distill as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass."

Dew symbolizes blessing and also resurrection. I believe that it is a time when God is revealing a “Heaven coming down to earth” season, a season of unlimited possibilities. The Glory of God is to cover the earth as the dew of heaven does in the morning. It is perhaps the emerging or invading of God in the earth. Bear in mind that we are being formed into His image and we are building the kingdom.

It seems that we are entering a crucial point in the ages. The absence of dew represents a curse and lack thereof will only cause everything to die when there is no rain. A continuous dewfall will cause life to grow and flourish and to spread out and to multiply. Receive of the dew so that you may be the “dew of heaven” to a lost and dying world.


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