I see that many of us have hidden things in our lives. I am not necessarily talking about something bad, but rather something deeper, that never came about, or that is dormant. This may even be a dream or a goal you wanted to achieve or unanswered prayer.
I see some are a lot deeper than just below the surface, it's about things or situations that are buried because you could not cope with them. Many of these took place a long time ago.
I sense that God is digging deep and even deeper still towards what we don't want to face. We need to allow HIM to touch those deep places in order to be whole.
I see a light, like a laser beam travelling through flesh and spirit, targeting that which seems to be dead or buried, but is only dormant. Also areas that have become a NO GO because they are a battleground you can't face again.
Many are wearing masks and covering up scars and blemishes the way they do with makeup. However, this wears off after a while and exposes what you were attempting to hide from view. We cannot hide anything from our Father.
Lasers are used for cosmetic removal of things we perceive as less attractive,like warts, moles, birthmarks, tattoos, scars, BUT God's goal is always our wholeness. HE restores our souls.
Laser therapy is powerful and able to shape diamonds or steel. It is very specifically targeted and intensely focussed light therapy that allows for high precision work, repairing and removing with minimal scarring. Also sealing blood vessels or nerve endings that often occur in DEEP Wounds.
God wants to remind you that nerves are where and how you experience sensations. When they are exposed and touched, these sensations are often extremely uncomfortable or painful. The Father understands your unwillingness to go there, your fear and mistrust, but HE reminds you that HE loves you and HIS touch is gentle and light! Once sealed, everything that caused pain or discomfort will be eradicated. HE will do a complete work if you are prepared to open up and risk again!
It is Preparation Time:
Before you go for a procedure you always prepare. I see that you need to get out that little box, where you have packed these things away, open the lid and begin looking at them again, some even need to be brought back to remembrance, while others you need to confront. Take a look because God's eye is on these.
Once you lay them out before HIM, HE will surely come with laser cutting precision to Remove, Heal, Restore, Regenerate and Raise you up in Wholeness for such a time as this!
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