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WORD: Womb

So seriously, so many have been contending for their promises for the longest time! So often, they have become encouraged, only to be let down again and again. Often experiencing betrayal, rejection and defeat. Some have felt so disappointed, discouraged and lost,as they faced constant wave after wave of seemingly insurmountable circumstances of loss and despair. Even when things were supposed to get better, they did not.    Becoming so discouraged they entered into an almost 'robot like' mode, just to keep going! Faced with incredible uncertainty and nowhere to turn, some have had to revisit the very foundations of what they believe.    For some time now, I've found myself looking at a place of emptiness and darkness. As I looked longer and closer, I began to understand that the place of emptiness created in each pf us, through loss and disappointment, becomes a womb!    With understanding I knew there was hope, however, my heart did not feel this and w...

WORD: Image and Likeness

As I came to worship the Lord I was thinking about repenting because I'd been so busy I had not had time to pray and spend with HIM the way I like. Before I could do anything, there was Jesus reaching out for me to take HIS hand, saying,''Come..''

I did and away we flew. I don't know if we were on a carpet or a skateboard, I'm not sure. I only know HE was holding my hand and we were cruising and HE was laughing and enjoying the ride. Twisting and turning through the heavens we flew and what a ride it was! Suddenly we landed on the ground by a river. I recognized the river as one I'd previously seen.

Sometime last year I had an experience where I found myself walking through a tunnel and the same river was flowing next to me. I could see up ahead that I was coming to the end of the tunnel and there was beautiful land out there. During that experience I was shown that HE was removing tunnel vision and opening my understanding.

So today I found myself at the same river with Jesus, on the other side of the tunnel. As HE spoke I began to see pictures and images displayed before me, almost like one would see on a screen up in the air. These were the images in my mind, ideas and thoughts that had been planted there by culture, society, role models, institutions etc.

The way a man should be or behave...

The way a woman should be or behave...

The way children should be or behave...

The way we should get our education...

The way we should train our children...

The way a marriage should be...

The way the church should be...

The way a particular situation should be...

The way we are supposed to behave in certain circumstances...

There are hundreds and thousands of different version of these thoughts and images that have been imprinted inside of us, by parents, teachers, role models, society, culture and tradition.

The Lord was showing me that HE wanted us to become aware of these and lay them all down because that's not who HE has called us to be. We have been made in HIS Image and likeness and HIS creativity has made us all unique. We have different personalities, gifts, talents and look different.

In many instances our issues and problems in relationships with others, are directly related to the thoughts and images that have become imprinted in our mind. We have almost been brainwashed or programmed with this information. Most times we are not aware and don't understand why others do not respond to us. How can they when we have been programmed by man for disaster? When you don't know, you just don't know!

I remember years ago being part of the leadership of another church and doing the church magazine. It was the year when South Africa won the Rugby World Cup and Mandela attended the match in a rugby shirt. We had put a big television in the downstairs coffee bar and invited members to come and enjoy the game. I was walking around, interviewing individuals for our next magazine issue. My pastor approached me and said, '' You and I must have a chat, we need to talk.'' I immediately wondered what I had done wrong. It bothered me so much in the next hour that I went to him and asked what he wanted to talk about and what had I done. I wanted to know NOW. He was quite taken aback and immediately said that I had done nothing wrong, but that he was wondering if I might like him to get me a good camera to take pictures for our magazine. It was then that I began to realize there were some things wrong with the way I thought and reasoned. What was even more shocking was that I had no idea. I began to wonder how many more things were wrong and how were they affecting my life? Like I said, when you don't know, you don't know!

So, we all think we are normal and turned out OK. Someone recently said to me we turned out OK, but that's just it, we are probably only OK on the surface with so many wounds and scars underneath. The Good News is that Holy Spirit is faithful to reveal to us these areas in our mind and life where we are going wrong, making mistakes. Only HE can help us to be healed and properly aligned with the original image and likeness in which our Father made us.

Holy Spirit is the best psychologist of all and it is in our 'gathering together' where we can receive deliverance and healing. When I came to Jesus I was a MESS and I can tell that HE has highlighted words being preached to me and I have heard the sound of things being brought in alignment in my mind, almost like the sound of one of those cave doors with a secret lever, in an Indiana Jones movie! There is always a secret lever or stone that must be moved or is accidentally pushed, that causes an ENTRANCE to either open or close!

So when we ask Holy Spirit to show us where we are going wrong in EVERY situation. HE will show us. Even and Especially when we think we are right! Sometimes what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves and we must be open and prepared to receive.

We must constantly pray for those who carry the word to teach us, so that it becomes so deeply saturated with presence and life giving properties, it reaches into our depths, heals, closes gaps and restores whatever is missing. We need to understand how essential it is to attend a church where GOD is speaking a FRESH word through HIS vessels. This can put an end to all our infirmities and save us enormous medical costs on doctors and psychologists.

The scripture states in Psalm 119:130 (NKJV), The entrance of Your words gives light;

It gives understanding to the simple.

I find this remarkable since the sound I heard was like the 'Opening of an Entrance way.' So the moment God's word is brought into any situation, it brings light and understanding. We know that light makes things clear, especially revealing those that are hidden. It gives direction and shows the way forward.

Psalm 119:130 New International Version (NIV)

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

Here we take a look at this version in the message bible which states that the word can be broken open. This again shows that there is much contained in it. These scriptures clearly point out that the word is able to do many things for us and that we need it. Read it carefully.

Psalm 119:130-136 The Message (MSG)


Every word you give me is a miracle word—

how could I help but obey?

Break open your words, let the light shine out,

let ordinary people see the meaning.

Mouth open and panting,

I wanted your commands more than anything.

Turn my way, look kindly on me,

as you always do to those who personally love you.

Steady my steps with your Word of promise

so nothing malign gets the better of me.

Rescue me from the grip of bad men and women

so I can live life your way.

Smile on me, your servant;

teach me the right way to live.

I cry rivers of tears

because nobody’s living by your book!

So the word of God is able to remove from us all these 'programs' that are not of the Father as we determine to lay them aside and allow Him to work contrary to what some may think. It is also important to take note of how we wait for others to come and apologize to us or fix situations. I was so ready to repent when Jesus suddenly took my hand! God is not waiting for us to come and fix everything we've done! HE just wants to be with us, to share with us! HE has already done it all for us. Our Father LOVES us and HE wants us to come so close HE can hold us!

We need to look at others and especially those individuals we can't seem to get on with, in a new way. We must get excited about all these 'individuals' walking around in HIS Image and Likeness and watch to see what part of Himself will HE reveal through those HE has so wonderfully created, to us today! We must look at each other with Wonderment and EXPECT to see something so beautiful of our AWESOME God! SEE HIM in others. It may be something we have never seen before! Above all, let us pray that we are empowered to always HONOR each other even if we don't agree. We MUST HONOR the Christ Likeness and Image in others. The Father Always has ALL in mind, not only you! Become more GOD Conscious and get rid of SELF Conscious. Even over doing repentance can become too much about ME!


Sharon Wright Van Biljon
17 February 2019


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