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WORD: Womb

So seriously, so many have been contending for their promises for the longest time! So often, they have become encouraged, only to be let down again and again. Often experiencing betrayal, rejection and defeat. Some have felt so disappointed, discouraged and lost,as they faced constant wave after wave of seemingly insurmountable circumstances of loss and despair. Even when things were supposed to get better, they did not.    Becoming so discouraged they entered into an almost 'robot like' mode, just to keep going! Faced with incredible uncertainty and nowhere to turn, some have had to revisit the very foundations of what they believe.    For some time now, I've found myself looking at a place of emptiness and darkness. As I looked longer and closer, I began to understand that the place of emptiness created in each pf us, through loss and disappointment, becomes a womb!    With understanding I knew there was hope, however, my heart did not feel this and w...

Every Giant Must Come Down!

Wow! God is really amazing! I was feeling quite concerned about my 9 year old son at school, as he is once again having concentration problems. This time it seems to be worse as his teacher says that he is withdrawing into himself. I prayed last night and released this problem to God and asked for strategy. When I awoke this morning, the first thought in my mind was EVERY GIANT MUST COME DOWN!  God is just so faithful and caring. He gives us hope early in the morning. I immediately began to think of David, who was just a little boy tending his sheep in the field. With the tools that God had given to him, he killed a lion and a bear. Later, with the same tools, he took down a Giant. David trusted God. He bonded with God and knew that God was his safe place. He knew that God would help him. The Lord ministered to me that I need to spend some time alone with my son and just bond again and let him know that I am his safe place and minister to him about what the Lord had shown me regarding the boy, David, who took down a Giant.  God says that every Giant must come down. God allows giants in our lives to teach us and to train us. To bring us to life and reveal to us the creative ability that is in us. Life is full of Giants and God says that every Giant must come down. God has given each one of us tools and strategies for Giants. Look to him and let him teach you how to use your tools in your situation. Perseverance and Endurance are a necessary requirement. If you don’t have these, you will have them as you operate in them by faith. Don’t run and hide. Make a decision to win and face the situation. You have already encountered giants in your life, you are ready for this! You will conquer as God says, EVERY GIANT MUST COME DOWN! You are part of a kingdom that cannot be moved or shaken. You need to see that pulling down giants is part of your walk with God. It’s not something you can avoid. You are a Giant Killer. Don’t say, Oh no, not again! Say, EVERY GIANT MUST COME DOWN! You have the power within you to pull down any Giant. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Don’t just say it, live it. Really believe it! It’s time for you to stand up and face the giants. Don’t expect others to do it for you. All Dominion and Authority has been given to you. You have muscles you have never used. You need to flex those muscles. God showed me that many of us are almost like super heroes in disguise. You have not realized it yet. Just as superman wears his superhero suit under his clothes, it is time to take off those clothes, or outer man and reveal what is underneath. It is time to really take your stand and your place. It is time to begin to really show up on this earth! Nothing could be worse that leaving this earth without actually showing up! I know you don’t want that. You need to be aware that it is almost like a building that is being built, brick by brick or a puzzle that is being put together. One of those bricks or puzzle pieces is you and there is a space which you fit into. Only your brick or puzzle piece can fit into that space. Don’t let there be anything missing. Accept the fact that you are called to kill giants and get on with it. You may have some work to do, some strategies and plans to follow, but know this, when you stood up, you conquered.


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