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WORD: Womb

So seriously, so many have been contending for their promises for the longest time! So often, they have become encouraged, only to be let down again and again. Often experiencing betrayal, rejection and defeat. Some have felt so disappointed, discouraged and lost,as they faced constant wave after wave of seemingly insurmountable circumstances of loss and despair. Even when things were supposed to get better, they did not.    Becoming so discouraged they entered into an almost 'robot like' mode, just to keep going! Faced with incredible uncertainty and nowhere to turn, some have had to revisit the very foundations of what they believe.    For some time now, I've found myself looking at a place of emptiness and darkness. As I looked longer and closer, I began to understand that the place of emptiness created in each pf us, through loss and disappointment, becomes a womb!    With understanding I knew there was hope, however, my heart did not feel this and w...

Prophetic Word: GET READY TO MOVE!

I asked Linda to share a dream she had in which she saw a Tsunami wave coming, and on which she was walking and standing upright.

During praise and worship I saw us riding waves on surfboards.

I then suddenly heard the sound of the engines of a plane that is about to take off.

I was reminded of a dream I had during the week where I was about to board a plane.

As I watched I saw individuals boarding the plane. They carried no luggage. In their hands they each carried their own hearts, out in the open and exposed for all to see!

Just as your heart is a vital organ and the pump that keeps you alive physically, so your heart and in particular, it's condition also keeps you alive spiritually!
Can you reveal what is in your heart to the world?

Our hearts need to be checked daily to ensure they are always right and ready.

God is showing us that there is a HUGE shift, BIG MOVE taking place and we must get on board before takeoff, by checking our hearts!

God always looks at the heart!

It will happen for those who heed the voice of the Holy Spirit and remain Expectant regardless of what they see or circumstances. The Outpouring will effect every area of our lives if we BELIEVE-Blessings and Lots of Love-Sharon


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