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WORD: Womb

So seriously, so many have been contending for their promises for the longest time! So often, they have become encouraged, only to be let down again and again. Often experiencing betrayal, rejection and defeat. Some have felt so disappointed, discouraged and lost,as they faced constant wave after wave of seemingly insurmountable circumstances of loss and despair. Even when things were supposed to get better, they did not.    Becoming so discouraged they entered into an almost 'robot like' mode, just to keep going! Faced with incredible uncertainty and nowhere to turn, some have had to revisit the very foundations of what they believe.    For some time now, I've found myself looking at a place of emptiness and darkness. As I looked longer and closer, I began to understand that the place of emptiness created in each pf us, through loss and disappointment, becomes a womb!    With understanding I knew there was hope, however, my heart did not feel this and w...

Waymaker Conference Prophetic Word -Trees (Haven)

Some of what I see is quite funny actually.
I don't see us as people but as trees, very much like the trees in cartoons with faces and all! There is a river and some trees are standing on the banks, others are with their 'feet' in up to their ankles while some are just getting their 'toes' wet. Then there are trees that are racing each other to the river and some are diving in! Some are playing around in the shallows while others are swimming in the DEEP! Some are in the water and just sitting chatting. There are also trees that are watching from a distance and not venturing close to the river, almost as if they are unsure!

The Lord has shown me that all who came to receive, have received! You will receive according to the depth you are prepared to go to! BUT God wants all to know that you have received!

Don't think that because you did not fall, shiver, shake, laugh or cry, you got nothing. That is a LIE from the enemy and don't you believe it! These manifestations happen for many different reasons and we don't always understand them or why, neither do we have to!

There have been many with a 'quiet' anointing that has changed the world. Never compare yourself with others because we are all different. God also works silently!

Don't let the enemy steal from you because you do not understand what happened or what you received!

You will begin to see the fruit or changes that have taken place in time. Many are healed, delivered and set free of habits, receive miracles etc. when they come to the river!

Claim and hold onto what HE has given, trusting that you will receive understanding and see the fruit in due course. Remember God looks at the heart and HE hears even those desires you do not speak with your mouth!

Colossians 1:10-12The Message (MSG)

9-12 Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.

So I asked the Lord, why am I seeing all these Trees today, instead of people and he showed me ROOTS!

You see you have to be planted and your roots have to go down into a foundation to enable you to receive! ROOTS and root systems are where all nourishment that make you grow and bear fruit, is received.

I see that roots have to sometimes press in and around stones,rocks and hard soil to get to the good stuff.

I see that there are even some roots that grow so deep they manage to get to a ground level that is so rich in nutrients that these roots become thicker and stronger. The deeper they go, they become different and 'intuitive' so that it is as if they know where they are going!

I see that sometimes these roots reach a place where they may even encounter an underground stream that was previously hidden!

Wow! Wow!
Now we getting to the really good stuff!

These hidden streams carry many hidden things which some encounter at great depths! God does not give HIS treasures easily, but they are there for us! Press in!

We got places to go...!!!!

So, You never went to the river for nothing and you never left with nothing! HE showed up in HIS Awesome way and touched every life, leaving all with something! Remember, Father always has ALL in mind!

HE does not leave anyone out! NEVER, EVER! Don't you feel left out! This is not about Feelings, it is about FAITH!

Look full into HIS Wonderful face, HE did not pass you by!

ALL left with something!

Psalm 1Living Bible (TLB)

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. 2 But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.

3 They are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper.

ROOTS also act as an anchor against storms and winds and floods! They hold one in place.

Absorption of water by roots is known as ACTIVE absorption.

It is important to note that roots play a minor, role in the growth of TALL trees, serving only as a channel for water movement.

The main and efficient method of these trees absorbing water is PASSIVE absorption.

PASSIVE absorption is where forces are built up in the leaves
due to rapid TRANSPIRATION in daylight hours.
(Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.)

Clearly, taking it all in is the minor part (not less important) but what takes place within, Passively, which no-one but God can see, is of far greater importance to our growth and development. Clearly we are 'built up' within as we 'meditate' chew and absorp the WORD and give out!

Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Be Encouraged, Blessings-Sharon


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