I recently ministered at a conference 'Broken Crayons Still Colour.'
This God inspired theme changed and touched many lives. Since we are
all broken in one form or another and only held together by HIM, I'd
like to share the word Father gave me for this time with ALL, because
God always has ALL in mind.
Being able to see how HE weaves the tapestry of our every day lives
together is only a glimpse of HIS incomprehensible and endless love
for us. None of us would be able to see and understand if it were not
for HIM empowering us.
It is important to understand that we are still valuable and precious
in HIS sight, even when we are broken.
God directed me to LUKE 15:11-31 This is the story of the Lost Son, to some it is the Prodigal Son.
The PRODIGAL SON or lost brother appears to me as a picture of
those who are lost, runaways, unsaved, rejected etc.
It is amazing how low we can sink when we are not connected to God.
How we degenerate and descend into darkness. This leaves us empty and
broken. If we are saved and we sin, we are still IN CHRIST, not over
in the corner sinning. So we remain united with HIM even when we
stink in the pigsty! This makes our action a thousand times worse and
a million times better, because we REMAIN in HIS embrace even when we
stink. He does not let go. WE BRING HIM INTO OUR SIN.
When we eventually
come to our senses we see that it is the
kindness of the Father that brings us to repentance. So it is HE that
initiates repentance in us because
how he treats
even the lowest of HIS servants. There
is always
an opportunity to fix things. Over and over and over again. The
Father never gives up on us. It is us who let go of HIM.
Important to note that in verse 1 this chapter, Jesus was speaking to
the Tax Collectors and sinners who had gathered to hear HIM. In verse
2 Jesus was speaking to Pharisees, Scribes, Teachers of the Law.
These were the teachers of the word of that time (Torah/bible/old
testament). In other words known Religious Leaders of that time.
The other brother appears to me as a picture of us Christians and
ministers of the gospel who lived in the Father's House but never
really knew HIM.
The older son was angry because he had always done the right thing.
He felt that he was more entitled than the younger and that it was
unfair for the father to lavish gifts on the younger after what he
had done. JEALOUSY makes us feel undervalued. Our self-esteem takes a
dive. We need to understand that when others are restored or blessed
in any way, though it may seem more than what we have received, it
does not make us less valuable. Our value is never diminished by what
God is doing in another's life.
Hardness of Heart will keep us from entering into all the Father has
for us. Self Righteousness will blind us to what is available for us.
Whatever we are gifted in, whatever we bring to the table, whether
the portion is small or large, our gift is just as important as any
other. It can be compared to the links of a chain. In order for the
chain to fit exactly right, one more link must be added. However, if
the link is the same size, the chain will be too big and loose. If
the link is smaller, the chain will fit exactly right. Our
individuality is incredibly important and we need to understand this.
It is clear that we are all important and have a part to play. Some
may still be unaware that God has a plan for our life and that He
predestined us. For those who don't know that God had a plan for you
before HE allowed you to be birthed into the earth, let me share
these scriptures.
Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future.
Jeremiah 1:5
Psalm 139: 13-16
The Father pursuing both sons in this story is what really stands
out to me.
The Father was waiting and looking for the his lost son and when he
saw him from a distance, he ran to meet him. When the other brother
went off sulking and refused to join the party, the Father pursued
him in an attempt to persuade him. This is an amazing picture of how
our Father in Heaven pursues us.
He is our Father and we are the Sons of God, no gender involved
because this is a position we fill.
is a beautiful picture of how much the Father loves us. He came from
heaven, suffered and gave his life for us so that we could be
reconciled to our Father. The
brokenness of Jesus
became the most powerful gift to us because HE paid for all our sin
and enabled us to come back into relationship with our Father. His
will remain forever the most powerful weapon ever used against the
forces of darkness.
John 15:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life
for one’s friends.
We can find our Father in our every day life, speaking to us.
Expecting God to speak audibly is incorrect since HE hardly ever does
this. Recognizing the way in which HE speaks to us is so important.
God is Spirit and so are you. You came from HIM and belong to HIM,
you just don't remember! You can recognize HIM by watching how HE
moves in your surroundings. HE will use everything around you to
talk, lead and guide you.
I like to use the example of a praying mantis because of its special
significance for me. Our Father once used this creature to show me
there was an opportunity coming my way. The praying mantis sits and
prays until his prey is within reach, then he will quickly grab it
and devour it. This is how I knew that I should grab the opportunity
when it appeared.
God does not have a
communication problem. Since God
understands us very well, HE
speaks to each one of us in a way we can understand. He can and HE
will use anything. There is even an
instance in the bible where HE used a
donkey to talk.
HE wants you to know that you are not out there all alone. If you
watch for HIM, you will see HIS hand in your life. HE will use
people, pictures, words, events and even animals to get a message to
you. The best place to find HIM is in the WORD where HE waits for
you. God is not difficult to understand. If you call HIM, He will
Jeremiah 33:3 New International Version (NIV)
3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and
unsearchable things you do not know.’
Take your bible and read it out loud, especially those scriptures
that mean something to you. Personalise them. Put your name in there.
Because the WORD is alive and active, some will jump out to you.
Speak them out over yourself. The WORD will interact with you when
you connect and engage. Create and colour your world. If you
persevere you will see your world become exactly what you speak and
believe. You have to expect.
Batik is a process which used melted coloured wax on cloth to create
beautiful patterns. If you take a crayon colour picture and place it
face down on material, then apply heat using an electric iron, the
crayon will melt and IMPRINT into the fabric. The end result will be
quite an amazing permanent crayon picture that cannot be washed out.
So, if we are likened to Broken Crayon's that still have colour and
in the same way a crayon picture can be IMPRINTED when it comes in
contact with heat, our Father wants to IMPRINT of HIMself on us. As
we look for HIM we will encounter POWER. The Holy Spirit who is the
POWER of God wants to IMPRINT on our minds today so that we will
never be the same again.
No man can change or fix your brokenness but we are empowered to
point you in the right direction, your true identity, and the
Father's Great Love For you. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. HE is
the only one who can fill up your brokenness. HE will IMPRINT on you
a new awareness and consciousness of HIS presence in your everyday
life. HE will not allow you to forget that HE knows you have come
looking for HIM.
Because the Father and HE is your Father, loves you so much, HE wants
to imprint in your mind today. HE wants to make sure you do not leave
with nothing. He will lay a new foundation that you can build on
PURSUING after you.
This will be a deeper level for those who know HIM. HE wants to
imprint of HIS person on your life, then you will see who HE is in
greater measure and testify of HIM! In the workplace, home, bar, in
the street, in your dreams, HE WILL PURSUE YOU.
As you receive a new encounter with the POWER of God, your life is
going to begin taking on a new form and become a beautiful picture in
the same way the melted crayon wax does when imprinted. Restoration.
HE does not care where you come from or what you have done, the
bottom line is this:
YOU ARE HIS AND HE WANTS YOU! HE is coming after you. Regardless of
the state you are in, because of HIS great LOVE for you HE will
continue to pursue you! He will make a way for you. Expect HIM to !
Watch for HIM.
“You will again have compassion on us; you will
tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths
of the sea” (Micah 7:19).
Every hour God looks after you 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Every minute God cares for you 1 Peter 5:7
Because every second He loves you Jeremiah 31:3
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