'Connect the dots'
Definition: Ability to associate one idea with another to form or reveal the big picture. Draw conclusions. DOTS may also be perceived as CLUES.
I have been sitting on this word for over a month now, just waiting for the Lord to complete the picture.
So I see the DOTS of God's future plans for each of our lives being connected. We all remember how we formed perfect pictures by using a pen to connect the dots as children! This learning or training process helped each of us see how pictures are formed. In much the same way, we learn and are trained as God joins the dots together for our lives.
Many in the Body of Christ are beginning to see or perceive the appearance of some of those things God has spoken or promised for our future. Although these DOTS may seem very vague at this stage, they have appeared on the horizon!
Becoming aware of these DOTS will restore HOPE and SECURITY to us. This is especially true for those who have been going through a harsh season of being stretched beyond the limit. A season where waiting for demonstration of promises seems to just go on and on for far to long, causing many to lose hope of ever seeing a change.
I see these tiny little dots popping up on the far horizon, as if they were balls or balloons that have been pressured and held down under water. It is the season of stretching, enlargement and labor that has suddenly begun to birth these signs or DOTS that we are seeing.
Many are seeing these distant DOTS which may be part of their promise and they need to know this is not a time to give up but a time to keep pushing ahead as we are beginning to see the fruits of our labors! We are to keep on ploughing the ground as a farmer does, until it yields fruit.
Recognizing Strategies for the Future
Exodus 2 New International Version (NIV)
The Birth of Moses
2 Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, 2 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months. 3 But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket[a] for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. 4 His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him.5 Then Pharaohs daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it. 6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said. 7 Then his sister asked Pharaohs daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?”8 “Yes, go,” she answered. So the girl went and got the baby’s mother. 9 Pharaohs daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. 10 When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaohs daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses,[b] saying, “I drew him out of the water.”
The Lord directed me to the mother of Moses. In Exodus 2 we see that she began to strategize for his future by hiding Moses. We know that she was led by God to place Moses in a basket on the Nile. She must have known full well that Pharaohs daughter bathed there. We see that his sister was hiding and watching what happened, which clearly shows there was a plan in place! His mother was prepared to take a RISK to establish her son's future. She was well aware of the great SACRIFICE this would be to her. Regardless, she planned ahead. Moses had to be saved at all costs since he was destined for greatness! Chances that this mother received divine guidance for the future of her son are very good.
I came across these two very important connections. The first connection is in verse 2.
We’re told that when Moses was born, depending on the translation, he was described as “a fine child” or “a beautiful child”. However, the original Hebrew is TOV.“TOV” in English means “good”. Recall that way back in the creation story in Genesis, God continually pronounced his creation as being “good” or “TOV”. So in the Scriptures, divine acts of God are labelled as “TOV” and Moses birth was one of these God-ordained acts.
Next, we’re told that Moses was placed in what most translations will call a “basket”. The actual Hebrew word is “TEVAH“. However, it should actually be translated into the English word “ARK”.
That’s right, this is exactly the same word used to describe the big floating barge that Noah built prior to the great flood. Both of these vessels are called “TEVAH” or “ARK” in the Scriptures. And by the way, the word “TEVAH” only appears twice in the whole Bible, once in the story of Noah and here in Exodus 2. However God used an “ark” or a TEVAH as an instrument of salvation to save those who trusted him. In Moses’ time, all Hebrew male babies were to be killed by drowning them in the Nile River. However, God used an “ark” or a TEVAH to keep and maintain the future deliverer of Israel. In both instances, water and ark are being used as symbolic elements pointing to salvation.
We need to pray as these DOTS are revealed. let's deeply discern for future strategy as we become aware of the dots of our life being connected. A deeper connection will help us connect with the DOTS of our future. What really stands out here is God turning circumstances that the devil tried to use to destroy lives, around for good.
The life of Moses was spared!
The same river in which young boys were drowned was used to save him!
His own mother took care of him!
She was paid to do this by the government of the day!
He received the best education and training of that time! FREE
He gained a knowledge and understanding of the Egyptian culture which would serve him well in the future.
He gained access to Pharaoh.
He witnessed the suffering of his people first hand.
Pharaohs daughter had a vessel of salvation and deliverance (Moses in the basket) appear right in her home but she did not recognize this. In fact she took hold of it for several years, yet never discerned the value of what was available to her. I pray that your understanding will be enlightened to clearly discern all opportunities that have been placed before you, because of the Grace and Favor on your life! May you receive strategy from the Lord in all things. May you cease to dismiss what is veiled and discern hidden properties.
Since we are aware of the future of Moses as deliverer it is easy to see why it was necessary for him to live as a Prince of Egypt. This ensured access and knowledge for his future endeavors. Even though he had the information and training, he was removed from Egypt to the desert (wilderness) for many years because he was not yet ready for purpose. The character and heart of man are usually circumcised during a wilderness experience.
We do not understand how everything we encounter will prove to be valuable in our future in much the same way as Moses. So, we should not become despondent when our circumstances seem to drag on longer than we imagined. All things are used to bring us into purpose and destiny at the right time. Locking into the current Seasons of Acceleration may serve to remove delays and enhance our progress and transformation.
I sense that this is also a time to get everything in order. It is a time to sort out all those things you have left undone or put off for far too long. It seems almost as if you may experience delays or unnecessary problems if certain things remain undone. There is still time.
I see a small whirlwind blowing in circumstances, bringing things into place. This spinning motion also speaks of acceleration and I see an untidy room where out of place objects begin moving into the correct place, of their own accord, as if magnetized and being drawn by an unseen force. Divine help is available to ALL.
Are we about to experience a Divine Act of intervention and salvation? Oh I believe so!
For those who BELIEVE and do not waver, I see you standing on the threshold of an event that is going to radically change your lives forever. It almost seems as though the atmosphere is charged with the unusual and unexplained! Something you will testify of to future generations.
A unique fragrance is coming forth in the presence of the Lord. This is from those who prefer others above themselves and who delight only to fulfill the destiny of HIS will. Those who see others as the greatest miracle of all! Always esteeming others first. Those who will link arms bringing others with them.
I see the true sons of God arising in UNITY as ONE. These are those who have come to the realization that there is only one agenda and no competition or striving are necessary since we are all on the same journey to the same place.
However, the season and circumstances we find ourselves in does often not look the way we expect. Sometimes we perceive this as being under incredible attack, but this is not always the truth. Sometimes we are merely being pressed.
Pressing brings forth oil. Pressing has led to deeper places where you have drawn on an inner strength you never knew existed. Sheer desperation led you further into HIS presence. God is waiting for those without agenda, who will wait on HIM. Those who tarry and stay for the pleasure of HIS company... These are those with whom HE shares the secrets of HIS heart and HIS hidden treasures.
Going to a higher level means you must first descend to a deeper place in HIM. This is somewhere you have not been before. You must enter the heart and mind of God. An olive is pressed to pulp to get to the precious oil and even wine, after pressing, must lie for a season to fully mature. Only then will it manifest a full bodied flavor that includes many different ingredients blending together.
So, even when you are sure you cannot go any further or you are unable to bear another day, you can! You are being pressed to full maturity as a son of God that will bring forth oil which will be pursued because of your pursuit of HIS presence.
Pay attention to the DOTS that are slowly appearing on your horizon!
And again, my favorite scripture this season, what its all about:
Zechariah 4:6 (NIV)
6 So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by
might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.
Sharon Van Biljon
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