As I waited to hear what was on HIS heart today, the Lord showed me a new revelation.
I saw some had entered an 'EMBRYO' (developing and not yet complete)
like state and were experiencing extreme discomfort, disillusioned and
disappointment. Some felt disoriented and confused. Much had not gone as
expected. A sense of dissatisfaction prevailed. However, many have
entered into an Embryo where they are being IMPACTED. One definition of
IMPACT is to be 'tightly or immovably wedged in'. This appears to be the
current environment or circumstance of some. It's in this setting that
you are being IMPACTED for the next level. This is all taking place in
ACCELERATION which makes it doubly uncomfortable!
I see it's like being given your very first opportunity to hit a ball.
This is a complete miss and mess but your second chance is an
outstanding shot because of the impact on you! It's as though the
instruction manual is being read to you, page by page. I see gears being
moved into a place of readiness. After previous downloads and
impartation, you are being shown how to further activate and work the
gift for maximum IMPACT. Soon you will begin to move with greater
clarity and ease as all things are being brought into divine order. I
see much is being burned up during this time of preparation. Thought
patterns, emotions and beliefs are being adjusted.
You may know people your whole life who have no effect on you but
sometimes individuals cross your path for only a short time. However
brief these encounters are, these individuals have maximum IMPACT on
you. They come into your life for a year or two, month or several days
and completely change your perception, life and world! They make your
space so much BIGGER with what they carry and who they are!
Don't struggle or entertain confusion. Once order of identity and
purpose are restored, aligned and activated, you will be released as a
Maximum IMPACT individual, to change the world for others, even if your
encounter takes only 10 minutes! You will always leave lives changed,
once you have submitted to the process.
Jesus always changed lives and once HE has fully IMPACTED your life by
living through you, everything will change! Many will be strongly
affected by what HE accomplishes in and through you. The IMPACT of the
NOW process will be far reaching and worth all you've endured!
Sharon Van Biljon
10 August 2018
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