On Thursday night I had a strange dream. When I woke, I knew that God was telling me something through my dream. I began to meditate on the dream and prayed for understanding. On Friday night I dreamt that I was standing in front of the church sharing this dream. I awoke a number of times In the early hours of Sunday morning, with the words “LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO! Running through my mind. I knew that this message was really on God's heart. More than that, we were really on God's heart and He was concerned for us. I wrote down the dream, to share at church. Now I will share it with you.
In my dream I was in a sandy yard where not much grew. I would probably call it a backyard. I saw an entrance to a building with stairs going up, to a better place. As I approached the stairs I noticed that some objects had been placed on the stairs. These objects looked like coins or money. On closer observation I saw that the objects were not coins but small weights, similar to those used to balance a scale when measuring quantities of food. Instinctively, I knew that this was like some sort of prank, almost like when a R100 note is glued to the floor in a shopping center and many attempt to pick it up but are unable to. These weights were far heavier that they appeared and could not be moved by normal means. A young man appeared on the scene and everyone watched as he approached the stairs. He looked and sat down on the stair. He seemed totally uninterested and seemed to be looking elsewhere. Then, I saw a long line of people beginning to hold onto each other, by the waist. They were going to help or assist to pull up or move the weights. As they began to pull, I saw them lose their balance and fall away. It was then that I noticed that they were not even attached or connected to the one who was supposed to move the weights. The young man still showed no interest and just sat on the stair gazing into the distance.
It seems as though these obstacles are placed in our path to “Higher Ground” These objects have an attraction towards them. We are drawn towards them for some sort of gain. They seemed small and so minor. This is a Deception. They have far greater power than we perceive and are much weightier than we think. Heavy things weigh you down and become obstacles in your path. They stop you from moving forward. They hold you back. When I saw the people falling away, I realized that it did not matter how much power, strength or help was available to you if you were not connected to Him. It is so important to hear from God concerning the problem. Don't focus on the problem or obstacle. Don't be deceived, the slightest shift in focus can cause you to become captivated, a prisoner again! The power is in the attraction. The young man only glanced at the objects on the stairs. He never looked again and remained totally unaffected. The objects never became Obstacles to him. They remained objects. Often there is another solution. After all the objects did not block the path or the entrance, as we may have thought. Sometimes the the way to overcome is not to attempt to move the obstacle but to remove oneself from it. To pass by and move on to higher ground. Not to be drawn in by the attraction and become distracted. Let your focus remain on Him. That is where it belongs Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the |lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.
*Sometimes an obstacle can be a person. Our response or actions can cause a mere object to become an obstacle. My Pastor asked me to repeat certain points for emphasis. He added that we are in the 'Audit' of God. There is an Urgency for us to re-examine ourselves. To take a look at what has caught our gaze and distracted us from Him. GOD IS SPEAKING LOUDER THAN BEFORE. How have our sensibilities and responsibilities been shaped by all the announcements for 2011? If we think that “Heaven in 2011” is all about material gain, then we have missed it. We are to manifest God in 2011. Our lives should be constrained by being the image of God in the earth. The heart of God must invade the earth. The intentions of God must invade you and your life. When last did you feel His Impulse or even His pulse? We are to allow Him to break out of us. We waste so much time on unimportant things. Read Hebrews 6: 5. After being privileged to journey into the the Deep of God and having tasted, we now settle for this!!! Substitutes, Counterfeits have our attention! Inexcusable! God must be honored. He will never be satisfied with second place! We are pulled in every direction. It is time to Encounter God!
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